pressure regulator 200 large

Oil Mist Detection systems (OMD) have been used to supervise diesel engine crankcases for possible explosive conditions. The VISATRON series OMD-System uses the approved suction system to constantly extract the atmosphere of the crankcase compartments and other engine locations. This ensures proper reaction times from the beginning of oil mist generation to an oil mist alarm.

The OMD-System mainly consists of following parts:
Measuring head
Pressure regulator
Valve box
Main spare parts list
Filters for pressure regulator
Scavenging air filters
O- ring for pressure reducer
Gasket for inspection cover
Scavenging air insert

main list

Available Measuring heads
VISATRON VN115/93 – Schaller VN115/87 EMC – Schaller VN115/87 PLUS
VISATRON VN215/93 – Schaller VN215/87 EMC – Schaller VN215/87 PLUS

We can supply spare parts and provide troubleshooting for the SCHALLER
AUTOMATION OMD because we are keeping a large stock for it. We have an
experienced team which is able to carry out of function test.